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What is an MRI?

The MRI scanner uses magnets, radio waves and computers to produce very clear pictures, or images, of the human anatomy. MRI allows images of your internal organs and structures to be seen in great detail from many angles and helps doctors to make a diagnosis or follow up the effects of treatment. MRI makes detailed pictures of soft-tissue structures near and around bones and is ideal for brain, spinal and joint problems. MRI is widely used to diagnose sports-related injuries, especially those affecting the knee, shoulder, hip, elbow and wrist. MRI images allow physicians to see very small tears and injuries to ligaments and muscles.

How safe is the MRI CONTRAST DYE?

MRI gadolinium based contrast agent is very safe. You may be injected with the dye, if required, to see blood vessels and blood supply more clearly. It is different from those used in CT, and are often used when CT contrast agents pose a risk to the individual.

Advantages of HIGH TESLA MRI

The advantages of High-Field MRI are higher picture resolution, fast scans, and the ability to visualise physiological processes. For studies, where exceptionally fine anatomical detail and clarity is required, such as in imaging the brain, High-Field MRI (1.5 Tesla) is usually the physician’s choice.

What is the difference between MRI and CT?

Both MRI and CT make cross-sectional images (slices) of almost any area of the body, using a sophisticated computer system. The major difference is that while an MRI uses a large magnet and radio waves to produce images, a CT scanner uses ionising radiation. With the MRI studies, there is no exposure to ionising radiation and there are no known side effects. MRI can directly acquire slices in any plane and is superior, when it comes to soft tissue contrast.

Can i have MRI SCAN if i am pregnant?

It is considered wise to avoid scanning during the first trimester of pregnancy, unless deemed absolutely necessary by the doctor. Please inform the Hindlabs staff, if you think you may be pregnant.

Are there any contraindications for having an MRI scan?

Due to the strong magnetic field, some patients with metal implants cannot be safely scanned in the MR environment. People with the following cannot have a scan.

  • People with pacemakers
  • People with aneurysm clips, especially in the brain or neurostimulators
  • People with surgical pins, shrapnel, plates or other type of metal implants
  • People who have worked in a metal working or grinding environment without wearing goggles or have had metal fragments removed from their eyes