HLL LIFECARE LIMITED – Innovating for Healthy Generations

HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL) formerly known as Hindustan Latex Ltd is a Mini Ratna Govt. of India Enterprise, under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. HLL was established in 1966 to manufacture and supply condoms to the National Family Panning Programme of Govt. of India.
HLL has traversed a long path, over the past fifty six years. From a single product company, HLL has emerged as a multiproduct, multi location company with a wide range of healthcare products and services. The foundation of HLL’s legacy is its focus on high quality and affordable costs. At present, HLL has 7 state-of-the art manufacturing facilities and 22 regional offices across India. HLL is also one of the leading social marketing organisations in the country in the area of contraceptives - with a market share of over 70 percent in the rural and semi urban markets. On the global front, HLL brands today reach more than 115 countries.
Besides establishing its credentials as a dependable supplier of contraceptives and healthcare products HLL is the preferred implementation partner for many of the Government projects, especially in the areas of medical diagnostics services, running of maternity & child hospitals and sale of generic drugs and medical devices through fair-price shops.
HLL Products:
HLL is one of the leading producers of contraceptives in the world. The range includes Male Condoms, Female condoms, Intra-Uterine Devices, Oral Contraceptive Pills- Steroidal and Non-steroidal, Emergency Contraceptive Pills, Tubal Rings and Injectables. MOODS is the commercial condom brand of HLL and comes with 19 variants, appealing to customer segments across different age groups. Besides, HLL has a vast array of innovative healthcare products and services, ranging from Blood Bags to Blood Banking Equipment, Surgical Sutures to Surgical Gloves, and Equipment for Neonatal Care. HLL has been able to reach out and save millions of lives across the world, using its Blood Transfusion Service Equipment and Wound Care (WC) products. HLL also manufactures Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits, various Pharma Products for Women,Sanitary Napkins, Menstrual Cups, Vending Machines, Incinerators, Deodorants, Lubes, Medicated Plasters, Oral Re-hydration Salts and a range of Covid management products such as Automatic sanitizer dispensing machine, UV sanitizing box , Medigard Hand Sanitizer, Mask cum Sanitizer vending machine.
With a wider spectrum of activities, HLL touches the lives of millions across the world thereby rightly realising its motto of ‘Innovating for Healthy Generations’.
HLL’s subsidiary / associate companies:
- HLL Infra Tech Services Limited (HITES) for hospital infrastructure development, Website: https://hllhites.com/
- Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust, a not-for-profit trust engaged in Social Marketing, Website: https://hlfppt.org/
- LifeSpring Hospitals a JV with Acumen Fund USA offering for maternity care services in the state of AP, Website: https://www.lifespring.in/
- Goa Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Limited (GAPL), Website: http://www.gaplgoa.com/
- HMA – HLL Management Academy, Website: https://hllacademy.in/
- HLL Pratheeksha Charitable Society